You can't spell resolution without ROI
Makes you think. We deal with emotional ROI in every part of our lives. From relationships to jobs to hobbies and even dining. We constantly are asking “Is it worth it?” For instance, I just took a cold, cold run. Stupid? To some, but the 45 minutes I spent jogging with the yellow dog reaped renewed clarity and released the day's stress. That's a good return on my investment.
When you think in emotional ROI terms, you are forced to reckon with yourself. You can take calculated risks – just as a business-minded ROI decision would be made – and come out the other end with a measurable success.
The bottom line? Most people invest much more than they get back. It's almost become a norm. We work more than we are compensated for. We plug on in relationships that give little back. We sink energy and passion into activities that rarely qualify our efforts. We walk down roads our rational minds know lead to disappointment. We all do it. Then we do it over and over again. And that’s pretty close to the definition of insanity.
In the marketing world, clients currently are reviewing 2006 plans – plans that certainly include at least four million references to Return on Investment. And as we plug through the year’s end and reach New Year’s Day, resolve to improve your emotional ROI. You’ll be more successful. Happier. Your stock will go up. You’ll log a record quarter of heart-hopping damn-good hell-yes happiness.