Sunday, January 28, 2007

Creative's end user

I try not to think too hard on Sundays...this clip broke that resolution.

Rocketboom featured this video from the Graffiti Research Lab, Eyebeam and the Anti Advertising Agency.

Thanks to Tango for the find.

So I'm thinking about creative output and environment mostly...and public interaction with advertising. Too often we in the "biz" stop thinking about our creative output once it exits production or the billboard media buy is executed. Even when we spend time thinking of the end-user "We're trying to reach the morning commuter on his way from the suburbs to downtown," we neglect getting inside that end-users psyche...we think of him as a consumer who automatically will consider our product. This clip reminds me that the creative product is interactive - from a billboard to a floor cling to a train ad. And we live now in an age when consumers can do more than say, "That was annoying," they can turn a marketing message into a new statement - into art redone.

This is a great reminder to focus on where the product of our creative briefs ends up and to spend time thinking of our message's impact on that environment and its inhabitants.

So what does that type of thinking look like? Probably something closer to this: Mini's new interactive billboards.


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