Monday, August 27, 2007

have you blown your customers' minds lately?

my writerly side has been reawakened recently with some songwriting that's been coming to life with my good friend and mandolin player moe. for the first time since high school (when i hauled a cadillac-sized amplifier and used electric bass (it was turquoise) to my friend's barn to play covers), i'm actually playing guitar WITH someone. and it feels pretty good.

it's also pretty awesome to say, "I can't do that tonight, I have band practice." even if it consists of moe and i drinking beer and sitting in my office/monk's bedroom playing into my MacBook.

so to back to the point of mind blowing, the other night we were talkin' lyrics and i pulled up the amazing "" as a little inspiration and it reminded me how much i love this project. mainly, i dig the fact that technology and emotion are crossing paths. so often, technology is a cold, factual, tool used to get somewhere, complete something, find and answer or communicate in a very brief way. We Fee Fine highlights raw e-emotion with a tech solution that is as artful as functional. and there's no reason it can't be a model for brand interaction online.

on the same point, the hitotoki project is another site i love to explore. the concept is so simple, yet is based around a feeling all of us have: a split-second emotion/experience that ends up creating a memory that can be delightful and melancholy. the site functions to create a narrative map of tokyo (and now NYC - you can guess which one i care more about). the little vignettes are great reads, and if you're familiar with tokyo, dead-on descriptions of place.

as inspiring as both these sites are to my artistic side, they are equally powerful to consider as i think about client sites and client communication. it's easy to overlook emotion - or simply opt for flash and fact, when many times, consumers are looking for the heart of a brand. they want the interactive story. they want the chance to connect. it's why blogs have taken off. it's why photo sharing is popular. it's why brands' social networking pages on myspace or applications/groups on facebook can garner more loyalty than a flashy microsite.

whether you need to find the last line to the chorus or are proposing a deviation to traditional online executions, finding examples outside of brand name executions can be just the awakening you need.

and if you're playing along, i'm three full working days away from the "Woolard Male Mountainpalooza" in Colorado. tick tock. tick tock. Pa Woolard and i are headed to Green Mountain Falls again for the long weekend of hiking/running/climbing/eating/beering.


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