Monday, June 27, 2005

Transparency, reputation and losing your job

As Fast Company ends its print publication, the 'net-and-reputation-savvy magazine is staying its course for its important online audience. The latest FC Blog is about the "purgatory" staffers feel as jobs are cut and their futures/careers are in constant question. I began reading expecting a jab on FC's current situation or a critique of the state of modern journalism.

Instead, I read an honest depiction of worry, stress and devotion to the hand that could at any time, swat the writer out the door. Though this piece brings up important points of evaluating one's job and career path, quality of work, etc., the major takeaway is a greater appreciation for the culture Fast Company created within its employee base to deliver a new angle and culture to its readers.

This post could have been a negative, piss-and-moan rant, but instead acted as a reputation-building buoy for a company that is in need of circling its readership wagons. Another example of transparency's positive power.


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