Friday, March 31, 2006

Recommendations for the weekend

Seriously. I have no idea where my week went - actually, i have a very good idea - and want it back. Luckily, the weekend is here. I've been sparse with my blogging and have little time to draft profound prose right, I'll give some recommendations for your weekend.

For your ears:
Centro Matic - Fort Recovery
Ben Harper - Both Sides of the Gun
Jenny Lewis - Rabbit Fur Coat: listen to Handle with Care, featuring, M. Ward, Ben Gibbard and Conor Oberst (bright eyes). I had this song on repeat so freakin' often this week. I'd contest my generation hasn't seen such a lineup on one song since "We are the World." And I think we've improved.

For your eyes:
Check out this week's installment of Death Cab for Cutie's "Directions" video series. It's good - as they all have been.
United Visual Artists - this is beautiful. Check out the work they did for one of my favorite bands, Massive Attack.

For your wallet:
This weekend will feature the first mow of spring at my humble abode. I'm taking bids from interested laborers.


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