Tuesday, March 29, 2005

Emotional Intelligence for the Skeptical

I'm skeptical. A more euphemistic word might be "curious." I like to dig and vet and deliberate inside my head before I buy into something. A good trait? At times. An inhibiting trait? Often. The latest example of my skepticism getting the best of a good opportunity came today, as I was brainstorming titles for a campaign. During this brainstorm, someone mentioned Jenné Beecher's name and I immediately stopped and realized that I missed countless opportunities to learn from her. Jenne started her own company, JennéInk. Hit the link and find out what she does, because I surely won't do her capabilities justice.

She brought emotional intelligence to our company. She's a pioneer in the way people communicate with themselves and with others. And she gave me ample chances to learn more about this important topic. I, however, didn't have time to dive into emotional intelligence. At least I thought I didn't have time. In fact, me thinking I didn't have time was probably a sign that my emotional intelligence was lacking.

My sister's sorority is reading Emotional Intelligence by Daniel Goleman. My SISTER and her SORORITY SISTERS are taking the time to read this and I have yet to buy the book. A pastor friend of mine is sharing the book with his staff. My colleagues across the company are in reading groups to discuss the application of E.I. in the workplace. It's time I face two hard truths:
1) I missed the boat.
2) I was skeptical of this concept not because it lacked validity but because I didn't want to find out what it might unearth inside me.

I was perfectly comfortable keeping my thoughts and emotions in check and not allowing them to play a role in my interactions with others.

After the brainstorm today, I checked out Jenné's blog and realized what I'd been missing. I also found the root of my skepticism: Her interpretation of emotional intelligence, interpersonal communication and self discovery are so on target that they make complete sense. I'd fallen into the trap of believing that the simple, sense-bearing answer could not be the right answer. Color me converted.

In my first bold step toward E.I, it's time to follow my own above link and order the book.


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