seriously, i'm here. have been, just intentionally blacked out the Woolard Speak for a while. not sure i want to be back on the blogger train, but it's depressing to realize how long it has been since i've really posted. so here goes.
i've been
twittering a lot more lately, basically due to its ease and my propensity for shorter engagement. i like following friends and inspiring stalk-ees via twitter and have been updating frequently.
frankly, i think i've just been overwhelmed by other things and in order to keep my head in one piece, i've re-prioritized. both work and life have organically moved me toward the real world. real people, face-to-face conversations, sweat, tears, sounds. and i think i prefer it to capturing thoughts here.
work has been nuts to say the least. staff changes, new business and increased client responsibilities. i've been drained, and i'd like to say it's in a good way. i think it is in most instances. the other instances make me want to close the laptop at the end of the day and not open it back up until i have to. might be one reason for the lack of blogging.
i've also been overwhelmed by an Achilles injury that occurred after the Dallas Marathon. i'd planned to run four marathons in TX this winter, but only got through two - and an ultra (keep forgetting that little 31-mile trail jaunt). being unable to run most of the winter has been good and bad. good, in that i've focused on strength training and cycling. bad, that i feel my normal outlet for stress (see above paragraph) has been eliminated. good news is, after doing everything according to the recommendation of my
massage therapist and chiropractor, the running hiatus has paid off and i'm back on the road and trail, feeling like a complete man.
probably the most overwhelming happening was my dog Monk being diagnosed with two different types of cancer. Lymphoma and
Mast cell. two surgeries and much recovery later, he's doing quite well all things considered, although we're dealing with a very real prognosis of months, not years.

as the temps hit 60 today and i reflected while at the dog park (a place a few months ago seemed like a fantasy trip) i realized it was a long winter in my life.
a few more updates before i turn my attention to the DVR'ed
Paris Nice race (yes, i caved and got cable):
Interwoven Threads is keeping on keeping on. Just made another donation to an increased stable of great partners:
Feeding America,
USD 500 Homeless Liason Office . sales have slowed since the economy has tanked, which is concerning, as the recipients of Interwoven customers' kindness are those who are hardest hit when the economy goes south.
though work has been busy and my island of planning has been lonely of late, it's good work a

nd things that i enjoy. additionally, i've been involved in a few pitches and new clients that fit my real-world interests perfectly. i'm ushering
Barkley's cycling sponsorships again this year. look for hot new team kits racing across the US and abroad this year! i love this stuff and am honored to be part of two talented efforts. check them out:
Hincapie/Gary Fisher presented by BarkleyHincapie Development Teamwhat else? i moved from auto-drip to French press. i'm drinking more wine than beer. and maybe with the help of both, i'll try to post more often.
Labels: Barkley, cycling, life